Here at Bite Size we strive to make each child’s first experience memorable (hopefully in a good way). From greeting them as they come in to helping them pick out a toy at the end. For your child’s first visit there is an order in which we go to make your child as comfortable as possible.
Usually, for first visit we will ask the child if they would like to sit in the big kid chair, some like Grayson are brave enough to sit alone, others like to have mommy or daddy sit with them.
Next, we proceed to show each fun instrument that we will use. We let them hold the “magic” mirror so that they can see all their shiny teeth.
We also let them show us how they brush their teeth at home, by letting them work Mr. tickle toothbrush! They love showing us how strong they are while pressing the magic blue button!
After making their teeth sparkling clean, Dr.Denise will come in and show them our special tooth counter, before counting all their teeth. She let will let your little one know this helps her find any hiding sugar bugs!
Yay! Grayson did an awesome job! And because we think all of our patients are awesome everyone leaves with a special toothbrush and prize when complete!
We love to see our patients smiling and happy when they leave. A job well done!